Brief Profile

Established in 1981, PT Resource Alam Indonesia Tbk was initially named PT Kurnia Kapuas Utama Glue Industries (KKGI) and engaged in wood adhesive production. In 1991, KKGI performed an Initial Public Offering by issuing 4.5 million shares with an offering price of Rp5,700 per share. Since then, the Company’s shares trade under the stock code “KKGI”. In 2003, the Company changed its name to PT Resource Alam Indonesia Tbk and diversified into the coal mining industry.

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Since 2006, the Company has operated 3 (three) mining locations in Simpang Pasir, Gunung Pinang, and Bayur from a total PKP2B concession area of 24,477 hectares. Total coal production of the Company’s subsidiaries had reached 2.2 million MT in 2010 and increased by 91% to 4.2 million MT in 2012 and 2013, respectively which brought total coal production from 2006 to 2013 to 12.7 million MT.

Vision and Mission

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Our Vision

To become an environmentally friendly mining company with international standards and global competitive advantage.
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Our Mission

  • To become one of the most efficient mining companies.
  • Such that all our teams posess the spirit of togetherness.
  • To keep a sharp focus on business factors, corporate social responsibility, and continuing maintenance of the environment.
  • To become a company with good corporate governance while helping to build, promote and enhance the welfare of the community surrounding the sites.

Our Values

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Business Activities

Pursuant to Article 3 of the Articles of Association, the Company can engage business activities in the fields of :

Corporate Strategy

To increase performance and to achieve long-term sustainable growth, the Company and its Subsidiaries have set the following main strategies:

  • To improve efficiency and position the Company as one of the lowest-cost coal producers.
  • To increase the reported reserves under JORC standards in PKP2B IBP concessions and other acquired concessions.
  • To continuously increase the Company's level of good corporate governance.
  • To continuously maintain good mining practices and consistency in implementing CSR / Community Development activities as well as environmental development.
  • To identify through a strict criteria high potential coal concessions for acquisition

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Supporting Institutions

Public Accounting Firm

Johan Malonda Mustika & Rekan Jl. Pluit Raya No. 200 Blok V No. 1-5 Jakarta 14450, Indonesia

Stock Administration Bureau

PT EDI Indonesia Wisma SMR 1st &10th Floor Jl. Yos Sudarso Kav. 89, Jakarta 14350, Indonesia


RINI YULIANTI, SH., Jalan H.Naman Raya No.31 , Jakarta 13450, Indonesia